The AI startup Humane has announced its first foray into the international market, partnering with South Korea’s leading telecom carrier, SK Telecom. This strategic partnership will involve licensing Humane’s innovative CosmOS operating system, paving the way for the introduction of the Ai Pin device in South Korea.

The Ai Pin, a unique wearable featuring sensors, AI capabilities, and a mini projector, has generated significant buzz in the tech industry. This multi-functional device offers users a phone number and unlimited data, making it a comprehensive communication and computing solution.

Originally priced at $699 with a $24 monthly subscription in the U.S., the specific pricing and service details for the South Korean market are yet to be revealed. However, this partnership marks a significant milestone for Humane, signifying their global ambitions and the potential for the Ai Pin to disrupt the mobile landscape internationally.

Source: Humane

The collaboration with SK Telecom, a company renowned for its cutting-edge technology and extensive network infrastructure, is expected to provide a strong foundation for Ai Pin’s success in South Korea. With its advanced features and unique functionalities, the Ai Pin has the potential to cater to the diverse needs of South Korean consumers, offering a novel and integrated mobile experience.

While the exact launch date for the Ai Pin in South Korea remains undisclosed, this announcement signifies a crucial step for Humane in its global expansion strategy. The success of this international venture will be closely watched by the tech industry, as it could pave the way for the Ai Pin’s further adoption in other markets worldwide.
