Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella stirred the pot in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) with his recent comments. Nadella acknowledged that, due to its vast resources and expertise, Google “should have been the default winner” of the AI race. However, he believes Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI has intensified competition, pushing the boundaries of the field.

Nadella podkreślił, że Microsoft od dawna zajmuje się sztuczną inteligencją, wskazując na prace badawcze nad rozpoznawaniem mowy prowadzone już w 1995 roku. Współpraca z OpenAI wynika z innowacyjnego podejścia tej organizacji do AI, co zdaniem Nadelli daje przewagę nad Googlem.

While Google holds a strong position in AI research, Nadella highlights Microsoft’s long-standing involvement, referencing their speech recognition work dating back to 1995. He emphasizes that their partnership with OpenAI stems from the organization’s unique approach to AI, which he believes gives them an edge over Google.

Nadella also revealed Microsoft’s future plans for building its AI infrastructure. He prioritizes establishing a robust AI foundation within Azure, encompassing training and inference capabilities. This strategy involves collaboration with industry leaders like Nvidia and AMD, alongside developing their own silicon and system architecture.

This news comes amidst a period of rapid growth in the AI sector. Companies are pouring resources into developing increasingly sophisticated AI applications with implications for various industries and our daily lives. Nadella’s comments highlight the intensifying competition within this domain, with both Microsoft and Google vying for leadership. The impact of OpenAI’s collaboration with Microsoft remains to be seen, but it certainly adds another layer of intrigue to the ongoing AI race.
