Remember CryptoZoo, YouTube star Logan Paul’s ill-fated foray into the world of blockchain gaming? It’s been a year since the project’s disastrous launch, and now Paul is offering a somewhat controversial “buy back” program for disgruntled NFT holders.

A Brief Recap of the CryptoZoo Debacle

In August 2021, Paul hyped up CryptoZoo as a Pokémon-inspired play-to-earn game where players could breed and trade virtual animals represented by NFTs. The project attracted significant investment, with over $2 million raised through the sale of NFTs. However, the game never actually launched, leaving many investors feeling duped.

Paul eventually admitted the project’s shortcomings and promised refunds to those who felt misled. However, the refund process was fraught with complications and delays, leaving many NFT holders frustrated and out of pocket.

The “Buy Back” Program: A Solution or Another Headache?

This week, Paul announced a new “buy back” program for CryptoZoo NFTs. Under the program, eligible NFT holders can receive 0.1 ETH (approximately $224) for each Base Egg or Base Animal NFT they possess.

There are, however, some significant caveats:

  • NFT holders must waive any current or future legal claims against Paul or anyone associated with CryptoZoo.
  • Hybrid animal NFTs and ZOO tokens are not eligible for the buyback.
  • The program has a limited budget of $2.3 million, meaning there’s a chance not all eligible NFTs will be bought back.

Mixed Reactions to Paul’s Latest Move

Some CryptoZoo NFT holders have welcomed the buyback program as a step in the right direction, albeit a long overdue one. Others remain skeptical, viewing it as an attempt to limit Paul’s legal exposure rather than genuine remorse for the project’s failure.

Critics point out that the 0.1 ETH offered per NFT falls well short of the original purchase price for many investors. They also question the fairness of excluding certain NFTs and tokens from the program.

The Verdict: Is This the End of the CryptoZoo Saga?

It’s too early to say whether Paul’s buyback program will finally put the CryptoZoo debacle to rest. The program’s limited scope and conditions are likely to leave some investors feeling shortchanged. Additionally, the legal ramifications of the project are still ongoing, with at least one class-action lawsuit against Paul and his associates still pending.

One thing is clear: CryptoZoo serves as a cautionary tale for anyone considering investing in NFT projects, particularly those promoted by celebrities or influencers. It’s crucial to do your own research and understand the risks involved before parting with your hard-earned money.


The CryptoZoo saga highlights the need for greater regulation and transparency in the rapidly evolving world of NFTs and blockchain gaming. As more celebrities and influencers enter this space, it’s important for investors to remain vigilant and exercise caution before investing in any project.
