Xerox has partnered with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to revamp its technological infrastructure. This collaboration focuses on leveraging cloud computing and generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to propel Xerox toward a more streamlined, service-oriented, and software-driven future.

The agreement, characterized as a landmark transformation program, aims to expedite Xerox’s transition. TCS will consolidate and modernize Xerox’s existing technology services to enhance overall business outcomes. This includes migrating their complex legacy data centers to the Microsoft Azure public cloud platform. Additionally, TCS plans to implement a cloud-based digital Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform, fundamentally transforming Xerox’s business processes.

This new platform isn’t just about cloud migration; it paves the way for the integration of GenAI into Xerox’s operations. Generative AI, a subfield of AI, empowers machines to create entirely new data, unlike traditional AI, which primarily focuses on analyzing existing data. This integration has the potential to significantly improve Xerox’s efficiency and drive long-term growth.

V Rajanna, President of Technology, Software and Services at TCS, emphasized the longstanding partnership between the two companies. He highlighted their successful collaboration and co-innovation over the past two decades, transforming various business functions within Xerox. Rajanna expressed his enthusiasm about supporting Xerox’s “reinvention” through this project.

The partnership’s core objective is to establish a robust digital foundation for Xerox. This foundation will leverage the power of cloud computing, AI, and next-generation enterprise platforms. By achieving this, TCS aims to equip Xerox for sustainable growth in the years to come.

TCS will also develop a new operating model for Xerox, prioritizing agility and a cloud-first approach. Their deep expertise in various service areas like AI, cloud computing, enterprise solutions, and cognitive business operations will be instrumental in this transformation. Additionally, they plan to collaborate with leading industry partners, including cloud service providers and AI solution specialists.

This collaboration between Xerox and TCS holds immense potential to reshape Xerox’s technological landscape. By embracing cloud computing and generative AI, Xerox can streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and unlock new avenues for growth. However, the long-term success of this project will depend on its effective implementation and the ability to navigate the complexities involved in integrating cutting-edge technologies.
