Blockchain protocol ORA has secured $20 million in funding to revolutionize the way artificial intelligence (AI) models interact with the blockchain. This investment round, led by Polychain, HF0, and Hashkey Capital, fuels ORA’s mission to tokenize AI models and unlock a new era of “decentralized AI.”

The core of ORA’s innovation lies in tokenization. By tokenizing AI models, ORA essentially transforms them into digital assets tradable on a blockchain. This enables ownership and revenue sharing for these models. Imagine an AI model used for image recognition being co-owned by a community through token purchases. Every time the model is used, fees are collected and distributed to token holders.

This mechanism called an Initial Model Offering (IMO), opens doors for democratized AI development and participation. It allows anyone to invest in and potentially profit from the success of an AI model. Additionally, ORA’s technology fosters a more transparent and verifiable AI ecosystem.

ORA’s solution extends beyond tokenization. Their “optimistic machine learning” (opML) technology empowers blockchains to conduct AI inferences directly. This eliminates the need for centralized servers, paving the way for secure and trustworthy on-chain AI applications.

The $20 million funding will fuel ORA’s development efforts. They plan to enhance their core infrastructure, refine opML, and expand their reach across various blockchain networks. This will solidify ORA’s position as a key player in bridging the gap between AI and decentralized finance (DeFi).

The implications of ORA’s success are far-reaching. It has the potential to disrupt how AI models are developed, owned, and utilized. By enabling a more open and collaborative AI landscape, ORA could accelerate innovation and democratize access to this powerful technology.

However, challenges remain. Security of on-chain AI models and ensuring fairness in tokenized ownership structures are aspects that require careful consideration. As ORA progresses, navigating these complexities will be crucial for the responsible and sustainable growth of this revolutionary technology.
