The Web3 game publisher has introduced a new login method for five games and apps that do not require users to save seed words.

Web3 gaming published Immutable has rolled out a novel approach to user onboarding with its new “Passport” wallet infrastructure. Passport allows users to create and recover their wallets by utilizing existing Google or Apple accounts, potentially eliminating the need for cumbersome seed phrases and private key management.

Source: Immutable

What is Immutable Passport?

Passport is a wallet infrastructure created specifically for Web3 games and applications running on the Immutable X protocol.

It replaces the traditional Web3 wallet creation process with a familiar and convenient login method – users can simply use their existing Google or Apple accounts to access their Passport wallets.

This significantly simplifies the process for potential users who might be unfamiliar with or intimidated by traditional crypto wallets and their complex key management processes.

Benefits of Passport

  • Reduced barrier to entry: By removing the need for seed phrases and private keys, Passport aims to attract a wider audience to Web3 games and applications by lowering the technical barrier to entry.
  • Enhanced user experience: The familiar login process through Google or Apple accounts offers a smoother and more user-friendly experience compared to traditional Web3 wallets.
  • Improved security: Immutable claims that Passport offers enhanced security through multi-factor authentication and additional security measures provided by Google and Apple.

Challenges and Concerns

  • Centralization concerns: Some users might be wary of relying on centralized entities like Google and Apple for their Web3 access, potentially contradicting the core principles of decentralization.
  • Potential privacy issues: Integrating with Big Tech companies like Google and Apple raises concerns about user data privacy and potential tracking within the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Long-term sustainability: It remains to be seen how sustainable and scalable Passport will be as the Web3 gaming and application landscape evolves.

Early Rollout and Potential Impact

  • Passport is currently available on five games and applications within the Immutable X ecosystem, with a combined user base exceeding 500,000.
  • The success of Passport could determine its broader adoption across other Web3 platforms and potentially influence the development of similar user-friendly wallet access solutions within the wider crypto space.


Immutable’s Passport wallet presents a bold step towards bridging the gap between traditional Web2 and Web3 experiences. While concerns about centralization and privacy remain, the potential for simplified user onboarding and wider Web3 adoption could be significant. As Passport continues to be implemented and evaluated, it will be interesting to see its long-term impact on the accessibility and user experience of the evolving Web3 gaming and application landscape.
