If you’re looking into blockchain apps and platforms in the beautiful world of web3, you’ve definitely heard about MetaMask.

MetaMask, which is represented by a fox’s face, is one of the most popular crypto wallets today and undoubtedly the most famous hot wallet thus far. However, in order to utilize MetaMask securely, it is best to pair it with a hardware wallet, such as a Ledger device.

But first, let’s go over the fundamentals. In actuality, what is MetaMask all about?

What Is MetaMask?

MetaMask is a cross-chain software wallet that is not custodial. Let’s break that down to see what it implies.

To begin, MetaMask is non-custodial: you can handle and manage your own private keys. MetaMask, unlike a bank or a wallet on a cryptocurrency exchange, has no control over the funds in your account. You are the single owner and manager of your account as long as you are the only one who has access to those secret keys.

Then there’s cross-chain because MetaMask lets you manage accounts on several networks, like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon. MetaMask, in particular, supports EVM chains and may eventually expand to other networks.

Finally, there’s a software wallet. This implies it is entirely software-based, with a plugin that can be installed on Chrome, Brave, and Firefox internet browsers. This means that its interface is internet-connected, making it easy to access blockchain applications (dApps). However, this also implies that MetaMask saves your private keys within the software’s UI and signs transactions while connected to the internet. To understand how something works, first, consider its objective.

What Is MetaMask For?

Cryptocurrencies and blockchains have many more applications than you might think, and in order to access them all, you’ll need a crypto wallet. More particularly, most decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols only support a few wallets, and MetaMask is frequently on that shortlist.

This is simply because MetaMask was built to function with these applications. Because you can use your MetaMask credentials to easily access these services, it lowers the barrier to entry for new crypto users.

As a result, there are innumerable blockchain apps and platforms you can connect to with Metamask, with almost too many features and genres to list, but here are a few things you can do with MetaMask:

  • Borrow or lend crypto coins or tokens
  • Buy, sell, and trade on NFT marketplaces
  • Play blockchain games
  • Start yield farming
  • Trade and swap on Decentralized Exchanges

What Are The Risks Of MetaMask Crypto Wallets?

However, like with any wonderful thing, there are also drawbacks to adopting MetaMask. Anything connected to the internet is not completely secure, including government systems that spend billions of dollars to keep security at a high level. The same is true for MetaMask.

Software wallets, such as MetaMask, essentially produce and safeguard your private keys on your host device, such as your smartphone or laptop. Because this device is connected to the internet, hackers can attack and steal users’ cash. If a hacker acquires access to that internet-connected gadget, they may be able to install malware to tamper with your screen or, worse, extract your secret keys and drain your account immediately from your funds.

For example, a Reddit user describes how a hacker gained access to his system and used it to move 1.98 ETH, or almost $5,000 at the time of writing, to a different wallet. The Redditor further stated that any copied cryptocurrency wallet address was altered to a different address upon pasting by a possible malware that had been put on their device; this kind of fraud uses blind signing to obtain your funds; users of software wallets should be cautious of this. A hack occurred in April of last year that resulted in the loss of over 75 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency assets from the official EasyFi MetaMask wallet.

Furthermore, since hackers do not require direct access to your wallet, these attacks are frequent. Alternatively, they can manipulate your browser or your computer system to obtain the data they require to steal your money.

For these reasons, if you own a sizable quantity of cryptocurrency, MetaMask also suggests using a hardware wallet. Fortunately, you can combine these two wallets to benefit from the greatest features of each. Yes, it is possible to combine the offline security of a hardware device with the Web3 agility of MetaMask.

The Benefits Of Using MetaMask With Ledger

Storing private keys in a hardware wallet is generally the most secure method. This is a result of their offline transaction signing and storage of your private keys. This ensures that they are inaccessible to everybody online. By linking a Ledger account to a Metamask wallet, you may safeguard your private keys, sign transactions without internet connectivity, and continue to use any apps or platforms that you like.

You basically get a tangible U2F from it. To be clear, you must physically link your PC and Ledger device. Every time you conduct a transaction through MetaMask, you will then need to confirm it on the actual device. As one can expect, this makes the hackers’ work extremely challenging. This explains why utilizing MetaMask and Ledger together is so safe.

How To Connect Metamask To A Ledger

First, buy a Ledger hardware wallet to protect your private keys. Ledger devices include software called Ledger Live (available on mobile and desktop), which is essentially the iPhone’s app store, providing you with a secure portal to all of your crypto services and is free to download via this link.

You’ll also need to install Metamask from there. MetaMask is a browser plugin that works with Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge, so make sure you’re using one of those before you begin. Furthermore, make sure to download the wallet from the official Metamask website; imposter wallet sites are potential scams.

You’re ready to start once you’ve worked out those details. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on getting it up and running:

  1. Open Ledger Live and Click “Accounts” on the left.
  2. Create your Ethereum account by selecting the ‘Add an Ethereum account’ button.
  3. Open Metamask to create a new wallet. You’ll next have to decide whether to
    create a new wallet or import an existing one. Choose to make a new wallet here. We’ll explain why further down.
  4. Approve the next page: This relates to data exchange with MetaMask.
  5. Create a password when requested on the next page: this will be your login credentials for MetaMask in the future.
  6. The recovery phrase words for your MetaMask wallet will appear on the following screen. Your MetaMask setup is finished as soon as you can attest to having observed and recorded this phrase.

Which Recovery Phrase Do I Use?

You may be asking what the difference is between the MetaMask recovery phrase and the one you received when you originally set up your Ledger device.

The solution is straightforward: each phrase corresponds to a distinct set of addresses on the blockchain. The distinction is that the Ledger recovery phrase has never been exposed online, whereas the MetaMask phrase has. This is a critical flaw shared by all software wallets: your keys and seed phrase are produced online within the interface, which, as you know, leaves them vulnerable to attacks and malware delivered via your connection. This is why it is critical to utilize a wallet that creates this data offline and keeps it there.

In this process, we will demonstrate how to use the MetaMask browser plugin as a bridge to interface with Web3 and your Ledger device as your wallet. Accordingly, the appropriate terms continue to be your Ledger recovery phrase for you. As you might imagine, take care to store it safely!

How To Connect Your Ledger To Metamask

All right, now that you know, let’s go over how to link Ledger to MetaMask so you can experience smooth transactions while your keys remain completely offline.

Step 1: Using a USB cable, connect your Ledger device to your computer. Additionally, launch your browser and open your MetaMask wallet in full-screen mode. By entering the password, you just created, you can accomplish this.

Connect Wallet

Step 2: Select “Connect Hardware Wallet” from the drop-down menu by clicking on the top-right menu of the MetaMask wallet.

Connect Hardware Wallet

Step 3: MetaMask will search for a Ledger device that is connected to the PC when you click “Continue.” Thus, make sure your Ledger gadget is unlocked before allowing it to find your wallet.

Ledger Device Connected

Step 4: After identifying your wallet, it will ask you to select which Ledger account you wish to link to MetaMask. Select your favorite and complete it (if you don’t already have one, make one using Ledger Live).

Step 5: Some last steps to make sure everything runs smoothly.

  1. On your device’s display, click the “Ethereum application.” Next, select “settings” and enable “blind signing.” Before doing so, please ensure that you are aware of the hazards involved. Otherwise, it won’t operate correctly.
  2. Click the account logo in the upper right corner of the MetaMask window to open it, then scroll down to “settings” and click. Next, select “Advanced Settings,” then scroll down to enable “WebHID.”

Finally, You will then be able to see the balance of your Ledger wallet on your MetaMask extension. Additionally, you will be able to conduct transactions using any blockchain program that has MetaMask compatibility. To access Ledger Live, all you have to do is connect your Ledger wallet to your device, confirm the transactions, and sign them.

Step 6: Enjoy the ride: by choosing MetaMask during login, you may now engage with your preferred dApps from within the safety of your hardware wallet.


Connecting your Ledger hardware wallet to MetaMask combines the best of both worlds: the security of a hardware wallet and the convenience of a popular Ethereum wallet and DApp browser. By following these steps, you can enjoy a more secure and user-friendly experience in the world of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. Always ensure that you keep your Ledger device and recovery phrases secure and never share them with anyone.


Q. How do I safely connect Ledger to MetaMask?
A. To safely connect your Ledger to MetaMask:

  • Ensure you have the latest versions of MetaMask and Ledger Live installed.
  • Connect your Ledger device to your computer and unlock it.
  • Open MetaMask, click on your profile icon, and select “Connect Hardware Wallet.”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to choose Ledger as your hardware wallet.
  • Confirm the connection on your Ledger device.
  • You’re now securely connected and can manage your crypto assets through MetaMask while keeping your private keys offline.

Q. Is it safe to import MetaMask to Ledger?
A. Yes, it is generally safe to import your MetaMask wallet to a Ledger hardware wallet. This enhances security by storing your private keys offline. However, ensure you use official sources, follow setup instructions carefully, and protect your recovery phrase. Avoid third-party tools or suspicious websites to prevent potential security risks.

Q. Is MetaMask 100% safe?
A. MetaMask is a widely used cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension, but like any software, its safety depends on various factors. It’s generally considered safe when used correctly, but risks can arise from phishing sites, malware, or user errors. Users should exercise caution, regularly update the extension, use strong security practices, and be vigilant to ensure the safety of their assets.

Q. What is better than a MetaMask wallet?
A. There are several alternatives to MetaMask, depending on your needs. Trust Wallet, Exodus, and MyEtherWallet are popular choices for Ethereum-based assets. For enhanced security and features, hardware wallets like Ledger Nano S/X or Trezor provide offline storage. If you seek multi-currency support, Atomic Wallet or Coinomi are good options. Ultimately, the “best” wallet depends on your priorities, whether it’s security, ease of use, or specific features.

Q. How do I withdraw from MetaMask?
A. To withdraw funds from MetaMask, open the MetaMask extension or app, navigate to the “Wallet” tab, select the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw, click “Send” or “Transfer,” enter the recipient’s wallet address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction. Make sure to have enough ETH in your wallet to cover the gas fees. Double-check the recipient’s address to ensure accuracy before confirming the withdrawal.
