Which Blockchain Has The Lowest Gas Fees?

The gas fee on a blockchain is the cost of executing a transaction on that blockchain. If you’ve heard recently, the cost of minting NFTs in the Ethereum blockchain has cost hundreds of dollars. The gas fees also go up and down depending on the network traffic and the size of the transaction. The larger the transaction (data) size, the more the fees. The higher the network traffic, the more the fees.If you’re a software developer and want to build your next blockchain dApp, you want to make sure you do not pick a product that has costly transactions. This article explains what gas fee is on a blockchain, why gas fees are, and which blockchains have the highest and the lowest gas fees. What is Gas? A blockchain is a distributed ledger (a database) stored on blockchain nodes. A blockchain node is run by an individual or a business that participates in the block validation and approval process. Once a block is approved, it is then stored on the blockchain. For validating and storage, the blockchain requires computing power and storage. To compensate users who run nodes, there is a payment in the form of blockchain tokens known as … Continue reading Which Blockchain Has The Lowest Gas Fees?