The Telegram Open Network (TON) has resumed operations after experiencing its second outage in 36 hours, both attributed to the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks launched by the hacking group Dark Overlord Squad (DOGS). The recent attack, which began on August 28, 2024, targeted TON’s network infrastructure, causing disruptions to various services and affecting user transactions.
TON’s developers have confirmed that the network is now stable and functioning normally, thanks to the swift implementation of mitigation measures to counter DDoS attacks. These measures included rerouting traffic, strengthening network security, and collaborating with cybersecurity experts to identify and neutralize the threats posed by DOGS.
The repeated attacks launched by DOGS against TON have raised concerns about the vulnerability of blockchain networks to such malicious activities. While TON’s developers have been working tirelessly to enhance the network’s resilience, the persistent threat of DDoS attacks highlights the need for ongoing efforts to improve cybersecurity measures in the blockchain ecosystem.
As TON continues to recover from these outages, it remains to be seen whether DOGS will intensify its attacks or target other blockchain networks. The broader implications of these incidents for the security and stability of the cryptocurrency industry are also a subject of ongoing discussion and analysis.