Telegram has introduced a new in-app payment system called “Stars” to further develop its internal ecosystem. Available for both iOS and Android users, Telegram Stars allows for purchases within the platform’s mini-apps. This functionality creates a self-contained economy while adhering to Apple and Google’s guidelines for digital product sales.
Users can directly purchase Telegram Stars within the app, opening up a new revenue stream for developers of bots and mini-apps. These Stars can be used to buy various digital products, like ebooks, online courses, or even in-game items, enhancing the user experience within the Telegram app.
Pavel Durov, Telegram’s CEO, emphasized the ease of use with Stars, stating in a Telegram post, “With Telegram Stars, mini-apps can now accept payments for digital services using the simplest payment method possible – in-app purchases on Android and iOS.”
For developers, Stars can be swapped for Toncoin (TON), the native cryptocurrency of Telegram’s “The Open Network,” through Fragment, a platform primarily used for buying and selling Telegram usernames. This conversion offers developers an additional layer of flexibility.
Telegram’s move signifies a strategic approach to keeping users engaged within its platform. By providing a convenient way to purchase digital goods, Telegram strengthens its position as a one-stop shop for communication, entertainment, and, potentially, even education. However, it remains to be seen how widely adopted Telegram Stars will become compared to existing in-app purchase methods.