South Korea is implementing stricter regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges operating within its borders. A new law, set to be enforced by July 19th, 2024, mandates regular reviews of all listed tokens by domestic exchanges.

This move signifies a significant shift towards increased scrutiny in the South Korean crypto market. The new law applies to all 29 registered exchanges in the country, encompassing the over 600 crypto tokens currently available for trading.

Key Aspects of the Law

  • Initial Review: Exchanges must conduct a comprehensive review of all listed tokens to ensure they comply with the new guidelines established by the Financial Services Commission (FSC).
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Following the initial assessment, exchanges are mandated to perform maintenance reviews every three months. Additionally, a more in-depth review will be required every six months.
  • Stricter Listing Criteria: The specific details of the new listing criteria haven’t been publicly disclosed yet. However, it’s expected to focus on factors like token utility, project legitimacy, and potential risks to investors.

Potential Impact

This regulatory change could have a multi-faceted impact on the South Korean crypto market:

  • Enhanced Investor Protection: Regular reviews can help identify and delist tokens deemed non-compliant or posing a high risk to investors.
  • Market Maturation: By weeding out less reliable tokens, the law could contribute to a more mature and trustworthy crypto market in South Korea.
  • Reduced Choice for Investors: The stricter listing requirements might limit the variety of tokens available on South Korean exchanges.
  • Increased Compliance Burden for Exchanges: Regular reviews will necessitate additional resources and manpower from crypto exchanges.

Looking Ahead The implementation of this new law reflects South Korea’s ongoing efforts to establish a balanced framework for cryptocurrency. While it prioritizes investor protection, the potential impact on market dynamism and exchange operations remains to be seen. The coming months will be crucial in observing how the law is enforced and how it shapes the landscape of the South Korean crypto market.
